Sunday, January 7, 2018

For Jack- 6th birthday

Dear Jack, 

Happy sixth trip around the sun baby. It’s been a great year and I am so proud of how you are growing up. You’re teaching us so much and learning so much and it’s interesting to watch you develop your own ideas and set of beliefs. 

This is the year that really cemented in our minds that you are not the type of kid to “go with the flow”. We tried to force you into the normal flow of kindergarten. While you were doing well academically it wasn’t the right place spiritually or emotionally for you. You were a triangle being shoved into circle. We lost some of You for a while but we are getting back to good again. We prayed and talked and tested and after lots of consideration decided that you (and our family) at least for now are going to take another path. 

I’m proud and exhausted by your ability to reason. I know you’re destined for good things in life. I don’t ever want you to think I expect too much of you but I will guide you as best as I can. If, at the end of the day, I can say that my son is well read, well traveled, still respects his momma, takes care of those in need,  and loves his family then I will feel that I have done my job well. 

I love so much about the last year but especially the following:

You still call us “momma” and “daddy”
You and brother sneak into each other’s beds most nights
You can’t wait to have a “sister girl”
You love Friday nights with grams and papa and Tuesday afternoons with Mimi 
Mouse trap is your favorite game (even though I hate it- I like that you love it)
I love kicking your butt (and daddy’s) at scrabble
You “can’t shut off” your mind at night- that’s because you’re intelligent and you will get some of your best ideas if you listen hard. 
You hold hands with brother
You love your little cousins
You have strong political opinions- I’m not even making this up. 
I can’t let you watch the news because the world upsets you- this speaks volumes about your tender heart and I love that about you
You stand up for fairness
You are funny 

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. You were put here for a reason. Being normal is a trap. Explore and taste everything the world has to offer. 

I love you forever. Thank you for teaching me to be a momma. It’s an honor that you chose our family. 


Momma girl

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