Jack is 6 months old today! I can NOT believe how fast time has gone!!! It seems like yesterday I was freaking out wondering how in the world was I ever going to handle being a mom ?!?!?!?! I wont say that its always easy (because its not lol) but I wouldnt trade Jack for the world. I never realized what we were missing until Jack came along and made everything perfect. Yesterday ty and I went out for the first time in a month and while we enjoyed the peace and quiet we both missed jack even more.
Things that I took for granted before Jack:

Long Showers
Eating with both hands (not using one to occupy a bored baby)
Sleeping in
Leaving the house quickly
Our dogs
Friday night movie dates
Things that I never realized I would love:
Little baby clothes fresh from the dryer
Baby yawns
Baby stretches first thing in the morning
Baby laughs
Huge drooley smiles
little baby feet covered in sand from the beach
The sound of my baby making small talk with his daddy
Snuggles with my 2 favorite boys
Enjoying a quiet nite with my husband while our little one sleeps in our happy home
I guess the list goes on and on and Im still getting used to the list of things I used to think were important merging with the
list of things that are now even more important and some how the chaos of it all makes my life complete.
Oh and on July 3rd.......... Jack said "dada".........and even though he doesnt know what it means
i LOVE it xoxo
And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him- Luke 2:40